7th Week Review From CXL Minidegree Course About CRO

Dan Henry
5 min readApr 26, 2021


This is the 7th week I have learned. I am very excited to write about my study progress here From About CXL CRO Course.

* Principles 1: Clear and simple — 1. People will ask yourself when people get to your login page: What is this? Can you give me what benefits? 2. People are very good at watching pictures, not to deal with text.

* Principle 2: Visual attraction — 1. 94% believe that 6% of people think that it is related to the content. 2. If someone just entered your website, I don’t like your picture, it is difficult to produce sales! 3. Good design is much more important than availability.

How to judge good visual design: 1. Simple visual. 2. Have familiar layout (simple)

* Principle 3: Visual level — 1. The biggest part of the website is the most important part. Make more important things larger — the difference in stimulation. 2. difference in color. 3. Leave a more important space to an important part! That is, the upper and lower left and right are blank.

* Principles 4: Focus on the focus — 1, left side importance: The screen of the screen and the left side of the screen is the most important user’s gaze — people are used to reading habits from left to right. 2. First map design principle — big life photo + Women: Real people, smile, eyes, pay attention to your product — much better than your stock photo effect. 3. Home Banner The following can have a small arrow to boot the user to continue to browse. 4. More pictures, fewer words, so users focus on the picture (which can be product). This guides the user to scroll down.
5. There can be fewer products numbers in theProducts Grid.

* Principle 5: Text can’t be too many paragraphs: 1. No paragraph should not exceed three or four lines. 2. If more than 2 paragraphs, a subtitle is handled.

* Principle 6: You can’t choose paradox: 1. It is too much product product, then you put Filter, tags let users find the product faster. 2. Some of the logo above the product’s main map, let him stand out. 3. The color on the picture will cause emotional choices to users.

* Principles 7: Each screen only gives the user a time, maximize the product picture.
* FAQ Page: The sales page does not require FAQ, FAQ should appear in separate other pages. — Choose paradox
* Importance of visual design: 1. Soon the judgment: 1. People make judgments in less than 50 milliseconds. The first impression depends on: structure, color, spacing, symmetry, number of text, font. 2. First impression 94% related to your content: Your logo, some small icon, color, navigation menu, home page Banner, will determine your overall website in the first time.

2. Excited the image of the inspiring to bring you better first impression.

3. The web page is simple and elements that match consumer behavior.

4. Simple does not mean less, but use the most simple elements to express the most powerful things.

5. Design is not creative, creativity is important, but we need to design according to data.

Before adopting transformation optimization, it is necessary to ensure that the basic functions of each layer have been optimized.

1. Function — Can he work normal? For example, your customers come from the mobile phone, is there any function of the mobile phone?
2. Accessibility: Can people access on all devices? Is there 404? Do you have all pictures Alt tags? font size? Buttons / text background contrast.

3. Availability analysis: Is he friendly user? Is the network speed fast enough? Do you understand the language? Can people buy in the way they want? It is necessary to use what they have to use?

4. Intuition: Whether the sales process on the website is the same as the user’s ideas? This is an improvement of the visitor experience and reduces friction.

5. Have persuasive: Does the user know whether the product you provide satisfies their needs or solve their problems? Does your website have joined your dialogue in their mind? Is it sufficient evidence? Doubt? Enable free friction checkout? Improve the conviction of the website is mainly based on writing a better copy (for each role), using a better product picture and / or use improved design.
Everything related to product description, function introduction, demonstration, and product comparison (and even competitors) is considered to have persuasive. This is also your service instructions, case studies, recommendations and white paper.
This is a great psychological model that determines how you should optimize and optimize in any order. Before proceeding to the last step, make sure the first four steps have been completed. The higher the pyramid, the larger the potential impact on the optimization — if the underlying is destroyed, the conversion potential will suffer a far-reaching blow. Also remember that the operating level required for each level is different from site.

Convitalizing 7 principles
1. Monochrome principles: For example, I want to get free extra diamond painting, then buy a diamond painting. When you need to get a lot of customers, you can take some actions for free.
2. Commitment consistency: Compared to one, you are a creative person, then they can buy diamond paintings larger.
Let them do something first, then they do more possibilities. — Forced them to try, you may buy more.
3. Social proof: Others bought this thing, may feel that this thing is very good.
Social proof two key components: 1. No one is willing to become an idiot that is the only product. 2. People don’t want to make mistakes
So the higher the customer’s price, the more the social proof you need.
4. Authoritative: Net red recommended / media report / proven logo

5. Mutual like: If I am a dog, you are, then you will resonate, this is one of the reasons why Dreamer Designs can succeed.
6. Scarce and urgency: there are only two rooms in hotels. But can’t let customers think you are deception.
The most effective thing is time and quantity
7. Group effect: 1. What are our characteristics common to consumers? 2. I am from Haining, you are also Haining, and it will feel good in an instant.
* Using unique jars: such as DP = Diamond Painting, such as Crossfit
* Minorities: Compared to the customer, you will become our minority VIP customers.
* Define “External Group”: This is an organization that opposes selling fake born dolls.
* Evil the family link: For example, you can help your family member XXX increased by 1. You can save your child more healthy and environmentally friendly.
* Co-create or share experience: may be people who share their own suggestions on social media, or you can let him fill in the questionnaire to make him suggest.

