3rd Week Review From CXL Minidegree Course About CRO

Dan Henry
6 min readMar 28, 2021


This is the third week I have learned. I am very excited to write about my study progress here From About CXL CRO Course.

“How to build an efficient landing page — copywriting”
“AT 60 MILES An Hour THE LOUDEST Noise In this New Rolls-Royce Comes from The Electric Clock,”
— — — The Parent David Ogwich is a classic copy of the Rolls Royce car, and is widely circulated by the advertising world.
This is the best title copy of Ogwich claimed him to have written in history. This allows Rolls Royce to kill a bloodline from the market!

A short sentence allows a car brand to highlight the heavy. Confused as us engaged in cross-border e-commerce, you can take a look at your title, your details page description, your blog, etc., this is full of 10,000 words, the same is operator, then We should think about “the importance of the copy”!

What is the copy of the copy? He can be the text on the Banner on your home page, which can be your product page Details page Description, which can be written in your SKU name. “As long as it is the word, all of them, all the literacy!”
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How do you write a copy?
“Just Do It?”
NO, this is not the copy of our book today, don’t be confused, this can only be said to be a brand slogan! slogan!
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Usually I write a copy, will go five steps:

Research competitors

2. Research consumers

3. Write my outline

4. Write content

5. Test Optimization
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I. Research competitors

1. Usually I will use “semrush” first to grasp the competitors, what kind of copy of them written in advertisements.
Generally, the copy of their advertisements I probably know what is the value of his claim.

2. I will go to Check, from their homepage, to the product page, to the Blog page, go down the content and analyze the main value. If you don’t climb information with crawl, please contact me.

3. Use “Ahrefs” to check their outer chain to see how they write a copy in other places.

4. After investigation out the main value of the opponent, we remember one thing at this time! Don’t use the same value as the opponent

case study:

As shown in Figure 2. This is a website that sells a table. I have seen 50% of such a big word on the home page. His main value is cheap. It has always been the main demand for consumers, this is not very good.
But I am going to compete with others today, I can’t be discounted, cheap, to attract people. Although this trick allows us to start rapidly, in the long-term development, it will be lost to the value of brand premium. So we are going to do different value for competitors today, seemingly difficult, and there is also a trace.
That enters the next link.

2. Research consumers

We finally sell products is sold to consumers, and our writings must also be from consumer angles.
So we must go to investigate the needs of consumers before we start to determine our value claims?
What pains do they have? Which pain points are unable to solve competitors, and I can advocate?
Which pain points are that competitors have not excavated, and they are inspected by us?

1. Use “semrush” to see where the consumer needs. Demand can be reacted from keywords.
Figure 3. I will pick up the keyword “Mens Watch”.
On the left is a search quantity, we can see a search term “Gold Watches for Men”.
What can I react in this word?
The consumer group behind it likes the golden watch.
People who like golden watches tend to self-expression.

I have a bold writing on the spot. Everyone can see this can be an IDEA pointing.
I will sell a watch today and have different words per watch.
That is, I sold all custom mechanical watches.
But my custom mechanical watch is printed on some text, but these words are different. And a text of a text, selling a piece, it is gone.

As shown in Figure 2, my competitor hit a low price value proposition.
As shown in Figure 3, it is learned that consumers have their own attitude towards expressing self.
So the copy of the homepage today is “there is only this table in the world, Henry® Brand”
It is a bit exaggerated, but we really provide such services, we also have our own custom designer team to filter text printing.

2. You can understand their needs by chatting with our customers. I chatted with my customers on the online chat platform a few days ago, I found a strong demand. Figure 4. The customer wants to be free service, because this, I lost a customer. This is a new product I have recently operated, because of the particularity of this category, customers pay attention to the service of free mail. If today I found that the competitors didn’t leave, I can put free shipping on my homepage.

Three. Outline

Then we will write the script, always have a script to let us run right.

1. On the homepage: Directly clarify your most important value + subtitle to click on what you provide, who do the service, why do you use your product + three subtitles to click on your product advantage.

2. On the product page: What is the value of product name / product ultimate benefit? / What is the problem? / What is the list contained in the product, is 1 product or a major information parameter containing a lot of additional products / products, Ratue / Worried issues for all buyers solve doubts (for example, this product is high, then buy Home for Return can be paid more attention, then you can say 30 days free return.) / Privilege information B1G120% OFF / price — this doesn’t have to say, do the C-terminal to do B-terminal to do Saas you have to provide / Under the description, after purchasing this product, what will happen to more valuable consumers (bought this watch, you will get our lifelong warranty service)

Four. Content writing

With the outline, we know what we need.
This is briefly introduced two principles:
1. Clear value, use the language that consumers can feel, don’t use Best to compare LOW statements
2. Really believed, every sentence is in a holiday, so you must please consumers.

5. A / B Test conversion test

1. You can regularly replace different copys, go to view the data to determine which copy of the transformation rate is relatively high, pay attention to other quantities, only the copy is variable.

2. Go to ask your friends, you must be those who don’t know anything about your web page, and ask them which is good, remember to translate into Chinese — Of course, this method is the lower policy

3. Go abroad has a lot of USER TEST platforms, paying for users to evaluate which is better.

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The master of the text is not formed by day, but the idea of ​​the content of the copy is absolutely can’t go wrong!
Go to write, go back more, naturally you will write a good copy.
This is like everyone, just starting to organize language expression, and exchange with others will naturally know how to express it.

The literary case is like the identity label of your store, which is a light position for your final conversion!
So today, have you learned? Prepare your text content that is re-starting planning

